Welcome to the shared microsite for ACWS, ANFCA & AASAS. Discover the incredible work being done by these organizations to support and empower individuals and families in Alberta.
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The Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS), the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS), and the Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association (ANFCA) came together to ask ourselves: how might our three provincial associations, each invested in violence prevention and serving a diverse membership in locations around Alberta, enhance relationships and improve access to services in communities to better meet the needs of Indigenous survivors of violence?
This tri-association partnership’s overall aim is to improve services for Indigenous survivors of gender-based violence in Alberta, through anti-oppressive, anti-colonial relationship building and collaboration. Inspired by the opening chapter in the report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the three provincial association leaders believe harnessing the power and responsibility of relationships is a key strategy to ending violence in the lives of Indigenous women.
“Relationships are key to both understanding the causes of violence and to making changes to end violence in the lives of indigenous [people].”
In the report, Expert Witness Sandra Montour, a Mohawk woman and executive director of Ganahkwasra Family Assault Support Service, testified about the importance of relatipnships.
“…the lives of our women in our community depend on it.”
Source: National inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. “Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Volume 1a.” pp.93-94
The Provincial Association Leaders (PALS) of ANFCA, AASAS and ACWS meet regularly (twice per month) to develop authentic and meaningful relationships with each other.
Their intention in committing this time and energy has been to influence their networks to do the same and as a result, over time, to improve services and supports for Indigenous women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence.
ACWS’ mission is to work together to end domestic violence and abuse, supporting members operating over 50 shelters for adults, children, and seniors and providing culture-shifting violence prevention programs, collective data and research, and front-line training.
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ANFCA’s mission is to support 21 active member Friendship Centres who, through program and service delivery, engage with and improve the quality of life for urban Indigenous people. Friendship Centres contribute to the revitalization of Indigenous culture, developing greater awareness and understanding of urban Indigenous peoples and their role in Alberta communities.
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AASAS’s mission is to provide leadership, coordination, collaboration and a unified voice on issues of sexual abuse and sexual assault, working with 15 member organizations providing specialized sexual assault services to individuals, families, and communities across the province of Alberta.
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Click on the map to find a local Friendship Centre, domestic violence shelter, or Sexual Assault Service. Zoom in and out to find more locations.
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